Ban Fur Farms in Quebec!! (Interdire les usines a fourrure au Québec!)

  • av: Nara Canada
  • mottagare: Provincial Government of Quebec Canada

The biggest fur industry is fur farms. What is a fur farm?

-Fur farming takes up to 85% of the fur industry. A fur factory farm is where they keep thousands of animals in small compact wired cages their entire lives. They compact animals in extremely small cages which prevent them from even taking a few steps front or back. Many animals go crazy in these conditions and end up mutilating them selves.

-Rows of cages are usually kept in filthy ammonia filled barns or sheds. Ammonia, parasites, and disease run rampant in these barns due to large amounts of urine and feces which hasn`t been cleaned out.

-Inbreeding is very common for color. Inbreed causes sever abnormalities, deafness, blindness, crippling, weak immune systems, and nervous disturbance.

-They are usually killed between 7-10 months old.

-Fur farmers care only about the quality of the fur. There killing methods insure the quality of the pelt but sadly at the cost of causing a lot of suffering to the animal. They kill the animals by attaching clamps or rods to there mouth and anuses. Then electrocute them causing cardiac arrest while the are still conscious. Other methods consist of poisoning the animal with strychnine which suffocates the animals by paralyzing their muscles which is extremely painful. The most gruesome method is skinning the animals alive. They are conscious while their skin is pealed off then they are left to die while they are still conscious.

Fox and mink farming make over 115 million dollars a year. 1.6 million fur pelts are sold a year and over 2 million animals are killed a year for fur in Canada. There are no laws or regulations for the keeping and handling of these animals. We ask that Quebec government to ban fur farming in Quebec.


Les animaux que l’on rencontre le plus fréquemment dans les fermes à fourrure sont les visons et les renards. 46,5 millions de visons et plus de 3,6 millions de renards auront été tués en 2009 pour répondre à l’industrie de la fourrure.

Les animaux sont souvent dans un état critique et souffrent de graves problèmes de santé comme de la déshydratation, de l’émaciation, des fractures aux orteils et aux dents, des blessures à la queue, des infections aux oreilles et oculaires, des saignements internes et des problèmes neurologiques.

On vous demande d’interdire cette pratique au Québec.

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