Stop culling healthy animals in London's Royal Parks

Every year hundreds of healthy animals (deer, foxes, squirrels, rabbits, pigeons, crows, magpies, geese, etc.) are culled in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, St James's Park, The Green Park, Regent's Park and Primrose Hill, Greenwich Park, Richmond Park and Bushy Park - London's most iconic open spaces where locals and tourists go to relax and reconnect with nature.

The very animals whom the visitors admire and photograph are killed in astonishingly high numbers. For details of the species and the numbers see here.

The justification for the culls (that it is done for the sake of the animals themselves and for public safety) is not evidence-based. Non-lethal methods of population control are mentioned in policy statements, but not applied. Hundreds of animals thus lose their lives for no clear reason.

Sign now to ask the Royal Parks

  • to immediately halt the culling of healthy animals, 
  • to put into practice all the non-lethal methods that exist for animal population control and are mentioned in their own policy statement,
  • to gather scientific evidence on the biological and cultural carrying capacity of the Royal Parks,
  • to increase the cultural carrying capacity by education and by promoting greater tolerance.
Uppdatera #67 år sedan
Can you be in London on Monday? Join us to protest the Richmond Park Deer Cull which begins next week. RSVP here. If you can't make it yourself, please invite friends!
Uppdatera #57 år sedan
As the number of signatures reaches the symbolic 100 thousand, we are very excited to welcome another campaigning parter, Humane Wildlife Solutions, a pest control company that never harms animals and specializes in non-lethal methods of resolving conflicts between humans and wildlife. They are happy not just to promote the petition, but also to be on stand-by in case the Royal Parks decide to phase in non-lethal management methods. Please keep reposting the petition so that they do!
Uppdatera #47 år sedan
The Royal Parks have acknowledged the letter informing them about the petition and stated that they are preparing an official reply. Let us hope that it is something positive and let us keep the pressure on. Now that the Royal Parks are aware of the petition, it is vital that they see its support growing. Please continue to spread the word on the social media: it is OK to post several times in the bigger groups, where many members would not have seen your original post.
Uppdatera #37 år sedan
The petition has reached nearly 80K and is attracting reporters' attention. Here are two articles: and Please spread the word: by posting these, with a renewed call to sign the petition and a clear reference to it, on the social media. Thank you!
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
Dear friends, the number of signatures today, a week after the petition was started, is 61K. An amazing result, thank you for your contribution to it!
On advice from Care2, I wrote to the CEO and the Chair of Trustees of the Royal Parks to let them know about the petition and the response to it. I will keep you updated on the result.
In the meantime, please continue to share - the posts can be repeated with a different comment or picture if necessary. Thank you!
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