Enforce Animal Protection Laws Against Korean Puppy Mills!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Civil servant Kim Sung-hee was devastated when the new puppy she brought home from a pet shop passed away from intestinal inflammation days later. Her friend had warned her about buying a puppy from a pet shop, but Kim ignored the warning. 

The vet told her that the puppy's illness was a chronic condition, which means that the pet shop owners must have been aware of it, but they sold her the pet anyway. Many other Koreans have suffered similar heartache thanks to Korea's lax enforcement of animal rights laws.

Pet health problems begin on the farms where they are born, not in pet shops. Korea's Animal Protection Law requires a license for dog farms, but only 65 have been given. The actual number of dog farms in operation is estimated to be 2,000 to 3,000.

Strict enforcement is necessary to prevent animal neglect and cruelty, and to protect pet owners from emotional and financial distress. Please sign the petition to tell the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to enforce animal protection laws against puppy mills! 

Civil servant Kim Sung-hee was devastated when the new puppy she brought home from a pet shop passed away from intestinal inflammation days later. Her friend had warned her about buying a puppy from a pet shop, but Kim ignored the warning. 

The vet told her that the puppy's illness was a chronic condition, which means that the pet shop owners must have been aware of it, but they sold her the pet anyway. Many other Koreans have suffered similar heartache thanks to Korea's lax enforcement of animal rights laws.

Pet health problems begin on the farms where they are born, not in pet shops. We understand that Korea's Animal Protection Law requires a license for dog farms, but only 65 have been given. The actual number of dog farms in operation is estimated to be 2,000 to 3,000.

We believe that strict enforcement is necessary to prevent animal neglect and cruelty, and to protect pet owners from emotional and financial distress. We respectfully urge you to strictly enforce animal protection laws against puppy mills. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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