Egypt: Reverse Death Sentence for 183 Muslim Brotherhood

  • av: Kristi Arnold
  • mottagare: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Judge Said Youssef

United Nations (UN) human rights experts condemned the recent confirmation of 183 death sentences related to August violence in Minya, calling the sentences “a staggering violation of international human rights”. Originally, 683 people were preliminarily given death sentences. Judge Said Youssef recently confirmed 183 of them. 

The UN human rights experts urged the Egyptian government to offer a retrial to the condemned defendants.

“The imposition of mass death sentences following blatantly unfair trials and for crimes that may not be punishable by death constitutes a staggering violation of international human rights law,” the experts said.

According to the UN, the 183-man death sentence “constitutes the largest mass death sentence to be confirmed in Egypt in recent history”.

Human Rights Watch acknowledged the case was “in clear violation of Egyptian and international law”. It cited Article 96 of the Constitution which states that all those accused of a crime are “presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair legal trial in which the right to defend oneself is guaranteed.”

Amnesty International noted that, “The verdicts in this case provide the latest example of the Egyptian judiciary’s bid to crush dissent. The Egyptian authorities must quash these sentences and order a fair retrial for all the defendants without recourse to the death penalty,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.

Tell Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to intervene and require Judge Said Youssef reverse the mass death sentence.

Dear Sirs,

We the undersigned ask that you reverse the recent mass death sentence for 183 Muslim Brotherhood.

United Nations (UN) human rights experts condemned the recent confirmation of 183 death sentences related to August violence in Minya, calling the sentences “a staggering violation of international human rights”. Originally, 683 people were preliminarily given death sentences. Judge Said Youssef recently confirmed 183 of them. 

The UN human rights experts urged the Egyptian government to offer a retrial to the condemned defendants.

“The imposition of mass death sentences following blatantly unfair trials and for crimes that may not be punishable by death constitutes a staggering violation of international human rights law,” the experts said.

According to the UN, the 183-man death sentence “constitutes the largest mass death sentence to be confirmed in Egypt in recent history”.

Human Rights Watch acknowledged the case was “in clear violation of Egyptian and international law”. It cited Article 96 of the Constitution which states that all those accused of a crime are “presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair legal trial in which the right to defend oneself is guaranteed.”

Reverse the mass death sentence of 183 Muslim Brotherhood.

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