FWS – Drop Law Suit that Could Strip Protection of Wyoming Wolves

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: U. S. Fish & Wildlife Services

Wolves throughout Wyoming continue to fall prey to hunting and other dangers that puts them at risk and that of their young and the pack.  You can read more on the dangers facing these animals in this state at https://secure.nrdconline.org/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=98E7F8AF2771C2DE8C696CB4F67D7185.app30102a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=4017&autologin=true&s_src=EMOWOLPETACT0516&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=actr&utm_campaign=email & http://earthjustice.org/news/press/2013/wyoming-wolf-delisting-challenged-in-federal-court#

The concern is that these animals will lose their protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and this issue will be brought forth in court to ensure this does not happen.  Overturning this court victory would strip these wolves of their vital federal protections, return them to the state's control and open the door to more senseless slaughter.   The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services is currently appealing the decision that would return the wolves to the ESA. 

The effort in this petition is to urge the FWS to drop their law suit and end their opposition that would derail the protection of these wolves under the ESA.  The Wyoming wolves are in danger of losing their hard-earned endangered species protections.  You can help with this effort by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts in favor of the wolves.

Daniel M. Ashe, Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – I am a very concerned citizen when it comes to the health and welfare of animals like the Wyoming wolves.  They continue to fall prey to hunting and other dangers that puts them at risk and that of their young and the pack.  It appears that you are currently appealing the decision that would return the wolves to the ESA. I strongly urge you to drop your appeal and keep the wolves on the endangered species list to get the protection they deserve, to survive and thrive.  Drop your suit and allow the 2014 ruling to stand.  End all opposition that would derail the protection of these wolves under the ESA.

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