Say No to Strombo

  • av: Vince
  • mottagare: Guy Laurence, President and Chief Executive Officer Rogers Communications

We the undersigned are strongly against the possibilty of having George Stroumboulopoulos be the replacement and or the next host of Hockey Night in Canada.

He has been a career host in the Music industry and although his on air personality and decorum must be liked by some it would almost like having Justin Bieber sing at Grey Cup. The personality just doesn't fit. Although many of the undersigned are long time and passionate fans of Hockey and will likely never give up watching hockey, going to games and listening on the radio we do NOT support this move. There are so many talented Ex Hockey players with on air experience that would better suit the role.

We urge Rogers Communications to extend the search and not have George Stroumboulopoulos take ove this position.

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