This International Chemical Company Knowingly Poisoned the World with Toxic "Forever Chemicals." The U.N. Must Hold It Accountable.

DuPont and its spinoff company Chemours are facing intense scrutiny for knowingly poisoning both the American people and the whole world with toxic "forever chemicals," including at a PFAS manufacturing plant in North Carolina, where neighboring communities spent years struggling to fight back.

Now, thankfully, the U.N. is getting involved, since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been overly lax with DuPont and enforcing proper regulations.

Nine independent advisors for a U.N. human rights panel have concluded that "even as DuPont and Chemours had information about the toxic impacts of PFAS on human health and drinking water, the companies continued to produce and discharge PFAS... contributing to a global toxic contamination problem."

Hearing U.N. advisors lay the situation out so clearly is immensely validating, but now we need help to actually translate these words into real-world change. Sign the petition to demand that the U.N. Assembly take action against these negligent, corrupt corporations to enforce corporate accountability and international health!

Every single one of us has been exposed to forever chemicals, even if we don't know it. And most of us won't find out for years what the health impacts of that exposure is for us personally - even though we know that, on average, it can lead to devastating diseases, illnesses, and other health conditions.

PFAS are made using a hazardous concoction of various chemicals to produce many types of plastic. Horrifyingly, they never fully break down - hence the nickname "forever chemicals" - and instead, actually accumulate inside the human body. They've been linked to serious health conditions, including cancer, endocrine disruption, internal organ problems, and more. Studies have found PFAS lodged inside human and animal blood, all across the globe. They're also increasingly poisoning our water supplies, soil, neighborhoods, and landfills - even traveling between countries with our trash and along waterways.

But that hasn't stopped companies from incorporating PFAS into a wide variety of products we use every single day. This includes food packaging like takeout containers and microwavable popcorn bags, dental floss, beauty products, fabric coatings, and even shampoo.

In particular, it hasn't stopped DuPont and its related subsidiaries, which have spent decades producing, marketing, and profiting off of these known toxins that have infiltrated our daily lives.

Sign the petition to ask the U.N. assembly to intervene and hold DuPont and its affiliates accountable! It has caused international damage to human health and the environment, and we must not let it get away with this.
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