Immediate Removal of the Netflix Documentary After Maria!!

  • av: Ada B.
  • mottagare: Netflix

Netflix has a so-called documentary called "After Maria", in which it follows three families in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

In this documentary there is little to no mention of the people who actually suffered through this hurricane who stayed on the island – people who actually suffered without water electricity, food, or medical help. The doc shows shows people who do little to help their situation therefore diminishing the struggles of the people of the island itself.

I want the streaming service Netflix to remove the this documentary and replace with an actual one that truly shows what really happened on the island after Hurricane Maria.

Thousands of people died in the hurricane – many more than reportedThere were extremely long lines to receive limited quantities of bottled water and food.

This was one of the worst natural disasters in our history and the Netflix documentary belittles every single person who suffered physically emotionally and mentally. Remove it now!

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