Stop the slaughter of dolphins in Norway before it begins!

  • av: Evan Couture
  • mottagare: Sametinget, The Norwegian government, Fiskeriministeren Fiskeriministeren Harald Nesvik Næringsministeren Torbjørn Røe Isaksen Mat og Landbruksministeren Bård Hoksrud Silje Karine Muotka Rådsmedlem Magne Svineng Avdeling for næring, kultur og h

The Sami officials of Norway recently introduced a bill to induce dolphin hunting.

This would be a disaster as dolphins are already hunted in many other parts of the world. It would mean that Norway is just one more place where dolphins are not viewed as the beautiful, intelligent beings that they are. And sadly, it could also lead to their extinction.

Don't let the proposal pass. Please sign this petition. Your signature could save the lives of countless dolphins. 

Also check out my other petition @

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
815 SIGNATURES yay! Please share with your friends. We only need 185 more signature to get to 1,000. Could you please help.
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