Help those who are being falsely accused
So many people today are being falsely accused of crimes they didn't commit.
I am one that is being falsely accused of something I'd never do to my children. Cape County has my case going now for 5 years. My discovery shows it's nothing but lies and my children are being said to say things. I do not want to go to prison for a crime I never commit a crime that I'd never commit on my child or any child that is. My life was yanked from me because my 1st husband couldn't expect the fact I was done and moved on. My life was ruined and people look down on me for a crime I never did. I've had to fight for my life for there are people that want to hurt me for something I never did. I have a voice and I deserve to be heard. I know there are others out there that are suffering or even doing time for something they never did.
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