Reputable animal rescue centres across the UK are full of cats and dogs which desperately need new homes. These centres usually check the suitability of people's homes and lifestyles before allowing them to adopt an animal.
However, websites such as Gumtree host adverts where people sell animals to anybody who is willing to pay for them. This facilitates the breeding of cats and dogs to sell for money - when there are already thousands waiting in shelters for a home.
Even pets given away for free on Gumtree are at risk. People taking the animals on may not have suitable homes or lifestyles to provide a safe, happy environment for the pet. They may not realise this themselves, as expert advice will not be given as it would from a shelter.
In addition, the animals bought via Gumtree could go on to be used for more breeding or even as bait in dog fights.
Whilst Gumtree specify that advertising pets for breeding or fighting is against their policy, they have no way of knowing what people do with the pets they get via the site.
Please support this petition, asking Gumtree to stop allowing the advertising of pets on its site. If enough people sign, they will see that their site is facilitating potential cruelty. Unwanted cats and dogs should always be taken to a legitimate rescue shelter, where their future safety and security can more adequately be ensured.
For more information contact Lynsey at Monsoon of Random - - Campaigning for human and animal rights.
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