Tell Lidl to Stop Selling Reindeer Meat!
European discount supermarket chain Lidl is developing a taste for reindeer meat among UK consumers. Their locations first started selling reindeer steaks in 2010, and have now expanded their offerings to raw smoked slices of reindeer meat similar to carpaccio.
Following Lidl's lead, other supermarkets and restaurants in the UK have added reindeer meat items to their seasonal winter stock.
Selling reindeer meat puts a damper on holiday spirit, as many view the animals as part of holiday mythology. Worse, reindeer populations have been in decline over the past four decades, and efforts should be made to preserve their numbers. Popularizing their meat does not help. Please sign the petition to urge Lidl to stop selling reindeer meat!
We, the undersigned, are concerned with your practice of selling reindeer meat at your locations. We understand that you were the first retailer to popularize reindeer meat in the UK, and other stores and restaurants have followed suit.
We believe that selling reindeer meat puts a damper on holiday spirit, as many view the animals as part of holiday mythology. Worse, reindeer populations have been in decline over the past four decades, and efforts should be made to preserve their numbers. Popularizing their meat does not help. We respectfully urge you to stop selling reindeer meat. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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