Tell Pennsylvania- Ban Pigeon Shoots

Pigeon shoots have been banned in all states, except one- Pensylvania.

Pennsylvania claims the pigeon shoots are necessary, because pigeons carry disease, yet they have children loading  pigeon boxes before they are released and shot, and working with pigeons all day long. Children collect 1000's of dead and bloody and wounded birds after they have been shot.

Pigeon Hunters hire children to finish the birds off by slamming or stomping the birds and ripping the birds head off. Children toss birds into barrels while many are still alive.

These birds aren't killed for food. They aren't killed because of the "disease" risk, either, or they wouldn't have children handling the birds. They are killed simple because a group of hunters enjoys killing.

If these thing weren't animal cruelty enough, pigeons are weakened by starvation and dehydration and are so weak, many cannot even fly on the day of the hunt.

We ask that Pennsylvania ban pigeon shoots. Animal cruely, and encouraging children to practice animal cruelty, is NO sport.

Office of Governor Tom Corbett
Room 225
Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-787-2500
Fax: 717-772-8284

Pigeon shoots have been banned in all states, except one- Pensylvania.

Pensylvania claims the pigeon shoots are necessary, because pigeons carry disease, yet they have children loading  pigeon boxes before they are released and shot, and working with pigeons all day long. Children collect 1000's of dead and bloody and wounded birds after they have been shot.

Pigeon Hunters hire children to finish the birds off by slamming or stomping the birds and ripping the birds head off. Children toss birds into barrels while many are still alive.

These birds aren't killed for food. They aren't killed because of the "disease" risk, either, or they wouldn't have children handling the birds. They are killed simple because a group of hunters enjoys killing.

If these thing weren't animal cruelty enough, pigeons are weakened by starvation and dehydration and are so weak, many cannot even fly on the day of the hunt.

We ask that Pensylvania ban pigeon shoots. Animal cruely, and encouraging children to practice animal cruelty, is NO sport.

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