Demmand the Governor of Puerto Rico economic assistance to the Santuario Canita

Stop the euthanization of about 700 dogs!! 
Puerto Rico doesn't count with any assistance program for abandoned dogs. As a result the Santuario Canita is overflown with dogs that people drops continuously in their property and their funds are coming to a minimum. They've been helping the community for the last 8 years with no help from the government, just donations from particulars. But that's not longer enough and they do need our help. Let the Governor know that the Santuario needs immediate economic attention, funds and medicine are in urgent need!!

Stop the euthanization of about 700 dogs!! 
Puerto Rico doesn't count with any assistance program for abandoned dogs. As a result the Santuario Canita is overflown with dogs that people drops continuously in their property and their funds are coming to a minimum. They've been helping the community for the last 8 years with no help from the government, just donations from particulars. But that's not longer enough and they do need our help. Let the Governor know that the Santuario needs immediate economic attention, funds and medicine are in urgent need!!

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