Sam/Samantha/Sammarie Pheb & John Archer are currently well known dodgy & unsafe horse dealers in the equine world. Drugging horses up for viewings just so they are 100% not themselves and act different so they sale, then they drug the horses up so much some have to be put to sleep, if you do believe that information then do feel free to find the video of 'Captain' who's owner posted a video of him being peacefully put out of misery after these dealers drugged him up so much he physically wasn't able to stay alive!

These dealers need to come to an end and learn what having horses takes and the correct care for them.

1. There horses conformations are awful
2. The riders they use for advertisement's are absolutely rubbish at riding and need some serious lessons ASAP.
3. They drug horses up to make them 'safe'
4. They lie about horses ages & how they act.
5. They state that unsafe horses are so-called 'Bombproof'.
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