Make Mondays Meatless at U of T!

Factory farming of animals is the number one cause of climate change, and eating meat contributes to health problems in students and supports cruelty to animals.

Our school can do its part to combat these issues by serving only eco-friendly, healthy, and delicious meat-free meals for one day each week.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calls the meat industry “one of the most significant contributors to the world’s environmental problems,” including acid rain, deforestation, water and land pollution. According to the FAO, animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of global climate change, more than all forms of transportation.

Factory farming of animals is the number one cause of climate change, and eating meat contributes to health problems in students and supports cruelty to animals. Our school can do its part to combat these issues by serving only eco-friendly, healthy, and delicious meat-free meals for one day each week.

I support adopting Meatless Mondays at the University of Toronto.

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