Owner of the horses says: "Children are dying in Africa, and here you are, worried about couple of dead horses."
Please read the following text and sign the petition demanding to save the horses and start investigation for gross animal neglect. Thank you for caring!
Worried citizens of Oroslavje, small Croatian town, have sent disturbing images of dead horses on the farm of Mr. Josip Tuđa to local newspapers.
Currently there are around 30 horses on the farm, victims of severe animal neglect, left to suffer from serious medical conditions and prolongued periods of hunger and thirst. Without neccesary veterinary care these innocent creatures are left to meet agonizing and slow death from starvation and grave medical conditions such as parasite infestation.
According to the locals, the devastating condition in which these horses were found are due to debt and financial difficulties of the owner.
The owner claims he is not feeding the horses as he should and that he cannot provide adequate veterinary care, but denies it has anything to do with the horses dying from malnourishment. He opened the hippodrome in 2005 hoping for it to be a local attraction. When his plan fell through, according to his own words, he slaughtered 10 horses for meat, gave 10 horses as a gift and around 15 horses died. He says he would like to get rid of the rest of the horses but no one is interested in buying the meat because horses are too skiny for current market demands.
Please sign the petition to help the dying horses and help bring this man to justice. Thank you!
Full text published in Croatian at: www.jutarnji.hr/news/croatia/strava-na-oroslavskom-hipodromu-zbog-neishranjenosti-i-nebrige-prekrasni-sportski-konji-osudeni-na-smrt-u-najgorim-mukama
tražimo hitnu reakciju - trajno oduzimanje konja vlasniku farme, Josipu Tuđi i njihovo udomljavanje, s obzirom na zatečeno alarmantno stanje na farmi: 30-tak konja je stalno zatvoreno, nemaju vode, hrane ni stelje, neki jedva stoje od slabosti, a jedno ždrijebe više ne može ustati. Ždrijebe je teško bolesno, ne može se dignuti ni uz pomoć ljudi i sigurno će uginuti ako mu se hitno ne pruži veterinarska pomoć.
Fotografije jasno pokazuju da je situacija i nakon izlaska nadležnih institucija na teren zastrašujuća i da konje treba što prije oduzeti i zbrinuti (http://prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/index.hr.php?id=3252).
Konjima je očito nužan stalni veterinarski nadzor, liječenje i redovita prehrana, što im Tuđa, prema vlastitome priznanju, ne može osigurati.
Uz trajno oduzimanje konja neodgovornom skrbniku, također zahtijevamo hitno pokretanje istrage prema vlasniku Josipu Tuđi zbog kaznenog djela kršenja Zakona o zaštiti životinja i izricanje zabrane ponovnog držanja i skrbi za životinje bilo koje vrste.
Uskrata hrane ili vode životinjama kroz dulje vrijeme predstavlja mučenje životinja i kazneno djelo koje se kažnjava zatvorom do šest mjeseci, a životinje se oduzimaju zlostavljaču.
S punim uvjerenjem u odgovornost i funkcioniranje institucija Hrvatske kao pravne države, zahvaljujemo na poduzetim mjerama!
Poveznica na peticiju: www.thepetitionsite.com/761/084/581/help-save-abandoned-dying-horses-and-demand-investigation-into-gross-animal-neglect/
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