Mandatory Spay & Neuter with some exemptions

Spaying and Neutering dogs and cats needs to be regulated to end the massive euthanasia in shelters, with exemptions. There is a need for police dogs, disability dogs, household pets, but the guidelines that are being used now are not enough. This young lady has been spayed and had her babies delivered at the same time and all is well, as should be. Please help me find a way to stop so many deaths of unwanted or unneeded homes, Thank You !!!

Spaying and Neutering dogs and cats needs to be regulated to end the massive euthanasia in shelters, with exemptions. There is a need for police dogs, disability dogs, household pets, but the guidelines that are being used now are not enough. This young lady has been spayed and had her babies delivered at the same time and all is well, as should be. Please help me find a way to stop so many deaths of unwanted or unneeded homes, Thank You !!!

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
579 signatures, still need more support !!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
This petition has 570 votes and needs more support !!
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