Demand You Tube to Remove Accounts of Animal Torture Video Creators

  • av: Lotte
  • mottagare: You Tube 901 Cherry Ave San Bruno, CA 94066 USA


Animal abuse is an appalling issue that continues to persist in our society, causing immense suffering to innocent creatures. Unfortunately, platforms like YouTube have inadvertently become a breeding ground for the dissemination of implied and even actual* animal abuse videos.

Just recently, a woman from Philadelphia, USA was arrested for posting videos showing her torturing and killing animals after soliciting for viewers to her channel to subscribe and hit the like button.

Despite occasional intervention by You Tube, there are still countless videos and channels that still remain active on this video platform.

Channels such as FrogPets TV, which shows many videos of living animals being tortured and being coaxed to their deaths from another animal predator. There is a difference between animal educational videos and videos in which the narrative is artificially setup for the sole purpose of displayed live animals being hurt and killed for viewer satisfaction.

These videos not only perpetuate cruelties towards animals but also desensitize viewers, normalize abusive behavior, and hinder our progress towards building a more compassionate world. Hence, this Care2 petition aims to implore YouTube to take strict measures, such as enhancing its content monitoring system, promoting education on animal welfare, and ensuring that all animal abuse videos are removed promptly.

First and foremost, YouTube must strengthen its content monitoring system to effectively detect and remove user accounts that upload videos that promote the notion of AND/OR demonstrate actual animal abuse videos promptly. This should include reinforcing the reporting system by providing easier access and clearer guidelines for users to report such content. Additionally, YouTube should hire more moderators dedicated to detecting and eliminating animal abuse videos, which are often 'disguised' by their creators in various 'crush fetish' , 'ASMR', and 'animal education' channels now gaining popularity on You Tube. By doing so, YouTube can not only empower its users and moderators to be actively involved in mitigating the visibility of these inhumane videos but also establish a stronger deterrent to potential abusers.

Furthermore, YouTube should take responsibility for educating its users on animal welfare. To accomplish this, YouTube can collaborate with reputable animal rights organizations, veterinarians, and activists to create educational content that highlights the proper treatment, care, and ethical responsibilities towards animals. By incorporating such content into its platform, YouTube can transform its reach into a positive force for change, encouraging empathy, respect, and compassion towards animals.

In conclusion, it is imperative that we act collectively to put an end to the dissemination of animal abuse videos on YouTube.

Remember. Implied animal abuse is the final step towards actually carrying out real acts of violence towards defenseless animals.

By signing this petition, we urge YouTube to enhance its content monitoring system, promote education on animal welfare, and swiftly remove ALL animal-themed crush fetish or other animal abuse videos from its platform. It is through these concerted efforts that we can protect innocent animals, raise awareness about their plights, and foster a society that champions compassion and respect for all living creatures. Together, we can make a significant impact and eliminate animal abuse videos from YouTube, creating a safer and more humane online space for all.

Compassionately yours, Lotte :)

Uppdatera #1ungefär ett år sedan
Hello my friends, I want to thank everyone that has signed this petition so far, I know we have a long way road ahead of us, but I encourage everyone to share this petition.

I have flagged numerous videos on You Tube and am just astonished how You Tube refuses to take action. For every 50 videos I report, generally only 2-3 will ever get removed and what's worse out of those 50, only ONE channel has been terminated.

Again, thank you for the love shown to animals. Love, Lotte :)
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