Bring Home Diamond, My Dog!!!!

  • av: Rachel Hensley
  • mottagare: Human Society and Red Bank Vet Hospital

My dog, Diamond AKA Di-di, got out of my apartment Sunday (7/22) morning.  I searched everywhere for her and I couldn't find her.  Later on that day, I called the Neptune Police Department and they told me that the Human Society came and picked her up.  I called the Human Society and they told me that they did pick her up and had to take her to the Red Bank Vet Hospital.  At first they thought she got hit by a car, but someone hit her in the head.  As of right now she is in stable condition and had to surgery.  Red Bank Vet Hospital and the Human Society won't let me see her and won't tell me really what's going on.   Di-di is a loving and sweetheart of a dog.  She sits in my lap like she is a little kid.  She loves running on the beach and play with her cat brother Leo.  We all miss di-di and want her home soon.  Please help me to get my dog out!!!!!! She is a tan/white female american terr. pit bull! She's is less then a year old.  I need  2900 for the vet bills.   PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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