petition for the safeguard and the safety of the amur leopards .

The critically endangered Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis or Panthera pardus amurensis) is possibly the rarest subspecies of leopard in the world with estimates of between 25 to 34 known individuals remaining in the wild.

This species was originally distributed throughout the Korean Peninsula, northeastern China, and southeastern Russia; the majority of its range overlapping with that of the Siberian Tiger. It also is rarely found in warm areas. Today, it is extremely close to extinction with only 25 to 34 known individuals remaining in the Sikhote-Alin mountains of southern Russia (only six of these are female), while it is estimated that at least 100 are needed if the species is to avoid extinction. A few individuals are thought to remain on the Kaema Plateau and Baekdusan of North Korea, but the status of the species here is unknown. Habitat destruction and the fur trade have diminished its numbers dramatically, and have resulted in the animal becoming the rarest extant member of the feline family on the planet. It has also been suggested that poachers interested in the Leopard's fur and meat helped bring about the Amur Leopard's downfall but there is no solid evidence to support this.

We need your support to improve their safety on the natural reserves , and protect them against the poachers !

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