End the Dog Meat Trade in Asia and ban Yulin orgy
- av: paul t
- mottagare: Hon Liam Fox, secretary for department of overseas trade & industry
I am deeply concerned that we are trading with countries that have no laws for the protection of animals. Even more so because there are no laws to protect domestic pets from thieving and killing.
The actions of certain people in Asia, in particular China, Indonesia and South Korea are inhumane and certainly not appropriate for countries that are establishing themselves as world leaders.
Animals, in particular dogs and cats are hanged, beaten, burned and slaughtered for the table. In some cases animals are skinned alive for their fur.
Whilst this may have been acceptable in historic times when food was scarce it is not now as food is plentiful.
At a event called the Yulin Dog Meat festival thousands of dogs are mercelessly killed in the most horrific way and served to baying customers who frankly should know better and are not starving.
There is no justification at all for this and this causes public outrage all around the world.
I would like to see an end to this and better protection for animals by banning farms where dogs are bred for this purpose and the outlawing of any killing of the animals.
I would like the governments to be persuaded to introduce a system of neutering with the utmost urgency.
The killing of animals by inhumane methods should be a punishable offence.
Dear Sir,
I have already emailed you previously about this matter and I would sincerely hope that you might consider that it is an important cause and one that every dog and cat loving humanbeing would be proud to support.
There is an immense depth of feeling about this issue and this is evidenced all over the internet.
I hope you may feel you can support this and help to make a change for the many ten of thousands of animals that are slaughtered each year.
Thank you.
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