Petition China to stop the HORROR of TORTURE and INHUMANE EVIL at the Yulin Dog TORTURE EVENT

This is the sickest display I have ever seen done to innocent animals, these sick people are evil sadists who need to be stopped TODAY, please sign NOW pass on to friend, face book, word of mouth and mostly to the Chinese government to save these innocent lives from being boiled alive

Please keep this petition going and going we cannot stop until China stops boiling our best friends alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uppdatera #58 år sedan
Thank you all for signing my petition, share it with everyone you know, we need to come together and stop CHINA from boiling our dogs alive TODAY!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Uppdatera #48 år sedan
Thanks so much let us plead with the Chinese to stop this horrific abuse today not tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Dear signers please post a petition yourselves and let us keep this alive I beg you to start a petition today so together we can stop the EVIL and target the CHINESE GOVERNMENT they need our voice and scream if you need to petition today. All my love, Lori
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Thank you animal lovers we have to stop this upcoming EVIL TORTURE, share with friends post on facebook and save these innocent animals now DEMAND an end to this torture and write to the CHINESE government NOW
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Please share this disgusting torture with all of your friends to stop the disgusting and horrific torture done to our angels in China urge the Chinese government to stop boiling our angels alive...we can make a difference together...........all my love to the signers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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