Help The Starving Elephants Of Sri Lanka

  • av: Lochana Kumarasiri
  • mottagare: John Amaratunga, Minister of Wildlife Conservation, Ranil Wickramasinghe, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Maithreepala Sirisena, the Press of Sri Lanka

Just days after the controversy of the emaciated Sri Lakan Elephant Tikiri, Photos have emerged from Udawalawa National Park in Sri Lanka of elephants who appear emaciated, malnourished and/or unhealthy.

Possible causes are linked to invasive plant-species crowding favorable low-lying-grasslands, illegal grazing and sub optimal management of Protected Areas in Sri-Lanka as well as chronic droughts.

Refer study "Effects of illegal grazing and invasive Lantana camara on Asian elephant habitat use (2018)"
(the 'full' white paper has been purchased by Global March For Elephants & Rhinos (GMFER) and is a credible source of potential and verifiable correlation).
(grateful thanks to the authors and GMFER)

The reason for this condition must be investigated by park authorities and management officials, whether the potential correlations cited above can be *verifiably* established OR NOT, the government of Sri Lanka must be urged to follow through with a comprehensive plan to address the multiple issues plaguing the few remaining wild elephants in the island nation.

The Sri Lankan Elephant, Elephas m. maximus is a unique sub species of the Asian Elephant and faces multiple threats; significant among them are rapidly declining populations caused by habitat fragmentation (loss of corridors) and deforestation caused by human activities.

Wild elephants are also threatened by "food bombs" (hakka pattas) or explosive food traps, poachers, railway and highway accidents caused by rampant development in and through elephant corridors and adjacent to elephant habitat.

1) Is illegal grazing (still) taking place in national protected parks, and if so, what is being done about it?

2) If invasive species are "taking over" optimal elephant grazing regions, what is being done to eradicate such species?

3) Is human-elephant-conflict being addressed in a comprehensive and thoughtful manner throughout the nation?

We urge the Government of Sri Lanka TO TAKE IMMEDIATE AND URGENT ACTION to establish meaningful solutions to protect the food sources and habitat of the magnificent Sri Lankan Elephant.

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