Make Los Angeles a GMO-Free Zone

Genetic modification is scary stuff.  We don't want it in our food!  
We don't want it in our seeds -- which are what produce our food, and are the future of our food supply.

Ask Los Angeles City Council to declare L.A. a "GMO-Free Zone" with respect to seed and what is grown here.  Protect urban agriculture and the homemade food industries.  Create an huge example, for other cities and towns to follow.  And make a stand for the future, beginning with one of the world's largest cities.

A coalition of local food activists and food garden activists is asking L.A. City Council to take real and tangible ACTION.  Your signature on this petition declares that there is plenty of grassroots public support to do this!  

Note: Please complete city & zip fields!  City Council needs to see this! 

full information at   Please join our mailing list so that we can notify you when this Motion goes before City Council!

To members of Los Angeles City Council:

We urge you to declare the City of Los Angeles to be a GMO-Free Zone.  We urge you to oppose the cultivation of genetically engineered plants and trees in the City of Los Angeles.

We hope that from this Resolution forward, no further genetically engineered crops, trees, plants, or seeds should be grown in the City of Los Angeles. This also includes genetically engineered fruit trees, all genetically engineered plants and shrubbery, genetically engineered vegetables, genetically engineered commodity crops, and any and all open-field testing of medical and experimental genetically engineered crops.

Additionally, we request that letters be sent on behalf of the Los Angeles City Council to the President of the United States, members of Congress, the Federal Drug Administration, and to California state Senators and Representatives, requesting strengthened management of genetically modified plants, including the introduction of mandatory labelling requirements, more transparent assessment procedures and enhanced communication with the public.

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