Press Charges For Animal Abuse, Cruelty & Neglect at NJ Animal Shelter

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Law Officials & Authorities in Middlesex and Monmouth counties of Helmetta, VT

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to gain the harshest charges against the original owners and staff at the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter in New Jersey. Potential criminal charges were filed against the shelter and it was also placed in quarantine by the Middlesex County Department of Health. Although these charges exist, a new administrator is taking over currently to try and help the animals therein and do what is best to pull this facility out of its mess. Help to find justice for the animals who rely on shelter care by prosecuting those responsible for the neglect and abuse.

A shelter in Helmetta, NJ has been serving two communities of Middlesex and Monmouth counties but they have been under scrutiny and investigation by animal activists regarding allegations of possible cruelty, abuse and neglect. During the earlier inspection, they found six areas of concern that needed to be addressed, but were not. The authorities discovered 170 cats; several in isolation, some that had to be removed the shelter, a cat in critical condition, one with a high 105 degree temperature and one that died shortly after the rescue on the way to the vet. Another animal had to be euthanized right at the shelter due to critical illness.

They also discovered 30 dogs; four that were in isolation and others with varying degrees of neglect and abuse. A new interim administrator, 26 year old Matt Crane was selected to oversee the shelter, along with the help of a new veterinarian. The previous administrator and staff were given several warnings and opportunities to address issues presented by the New Jersey SPCA but did nothing to resolve the concerns. Major issues dealt with disease control, such as mingling sick animals with healthy ones. Now the shelter is closed and quarantined, remaining as such until the completion of the investigation and health clearance of all animals.

As stated by one of the investigators, "The love of the animals is what this is all about. We do what we do for the animals.” Authorities are appalled by what they found when they all came together to check on the facility and the animals in their care. The rescue group integrated 15 officers and veterinarian Dr. Heather Lingley who were there to help and care from all the animals which included many pets with respiratory concerns and eye issues. Some of the animals needed immediate medical care while others were not as critical and could be tended to within 24 hours. Most did not even have water in their crates which is a major concern.

As stated by those in charge, a shelter is considered an inherent contagious environment where animals come all types of areas and circumstances. It is important that the animals arriving be screened for good health before putting them in with other healthy specimens. Obviously, proper protocol was not followed by the administrators and staff at the shelter in Helmetta. Help us to make these folks held accountable while also requiring anyone working at a shelter to be fully educated on proper procedures and policies when it comes to the health and well-being of so many animals. Please sign and share this petition on all media sites to spread the word so such occurrences do not happen again at a place that we expect animals to be cared for unconditionally.

Law Officials & Authorities in Middlesex and Monmouth counties of Helmetta, VT – We are grateful that you took an avid step in investigating the animal shelter in your area that serves both of these counties for the health and well-being of animals. Somehow, someone who was responsible for this shelter and the staff therein failed tremendously in what was required in providing for the animals they were to care for. Please ensure that these people who failed all those animals is tremendously held accountable and relieved of any duties working in the field of animals. Such people should be banned from owning, caring for or working in the field of animals. Moving forward, you need to reevaluate the requirements of those running and working in an animal shelter, hopefully as a no-kill facility and implement stringent procedures and policies to ensure all animals are kept healthy and well-cared for. Such policies and procedures should routinely be monitored and anyone abusing them needs to be reprimanded and relieved of their duties immediately so that such an occurrence as that at Helmetta never reoccurs. Please consider the health and well-being of the animals as you be their voice; punish those responsible for their poor care and ensure future caretakers are properly educated, trained and able to love and provide for those in their hands.

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