Demand Student Representation On The Clemson Board Of Trustees

Clemson University is one of the very few major public universities in the South-Eastern United States not to have any student representation on its Board of Trustees. Who cares? You should care. Clemson is one of the leading universities in the nation and has one of the top football programs. Which means that its voice carries weight. And that weight does not include students, at a time when COVID planning and racial justice are top of the agenda. So what? Well, our Student Body President is a black Senior.

I am a Student Senator. We've done all we can. We passed a Student Senate Resolution by Acclamation. We have tried for months now to get the BoT to communicate meaningfully with us. To no avail. We are now attempting to have a formal Motion placed on the Agenda for the next Board of Trustees meeting.

How can you help? Sign the Petition. Will it make a difference? It will if it gets into the thousands. Whatever your politics, it stands to reason that Clemson should have student representation on its most important Committee. Thank you for signing!

[PLEASE NOTE: This is my Petition. I am circulating it because I was one of the authors of the Clemson Undergraduate Student Senate Resolution. It is not in any way intended to be a formal representation of the opinions of the Clemson University Student Government - even if they agree!]

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