Stop Removal of Cats from Texas Tech University Campus

There are 11 feeding stations around the TTU campus, in Lubbock, TX, where feral cats are fed and watered. The university does not spend any money on this - it is funded by donations and volunteers maintain the stations. 

The university wants the cats (300+) "relocated" and off campus. The cats are being moved to farms and barns in the country. This is not an ideal situation as the relocation will not rid the campus of cats, as new, unaltered ones will move in. Many of the cats have already been spayed or neutered. The TTU campus is the nation's second largest and the cats are rarely seen as there is plenty of room for them to hide and lots of protection from predators. 

The cats should be left where they are and the feeding stations maintained as they are currently.  

Dear Mr. Cronin,
The TTU Feral Program should not be discontinued, and the feral cats should not be relocated to farms where they will be open to attack by predators. The feeding program has been running smoothly for many years without ill effect to students or others. The program is not funded nor maintained by Tech personnel and should continue as it has been. Please reconsider moving the cats to the country and leaving them on our beautiful campus.   

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