Slow Down the School Closure Process!

The West Linn-Wilsonville School District and the Long Range Planning Committee have placed only one way to make budget cuts for next year before the community—closing our small schools. The burden of proof is falling on the shoulders of 12 parents who have been given three short months to gather, comprehend and deliberate all pertinent information. The district administration has provided these parents with a specific directive and narrow information: small schools are expensive, they cost too much to renovate and they can't serve our students with equity. They have not asked the Task Force to consider any human costs to the students or community. Please sign the petition to push the board to extend the time given the Small Schools Task Force by one year. Rather than requiring them to have a presentation ready for the Long Term Planning Committee by December 2025, extend the deadline to December 2026.

We want to keep our thriving small schools open!

Uppdatera #119 dagar sedan
Thank you petitioners for your signatures and comments! I plan to publicly present the petition SO FAR at today's school board meeting. We'd love to present 1000+ in January just prior to their vote for closure/consolidation. Please remind your partners, neighbors and friends to sign!

Also, please follow the Small Schools Alliance, and sign up for our substack emails. Your email will then enter our membership database which makes our case stronger:
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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