End the Firework Frenzy Terrifying Pets and Wildlife!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: 49 States plus Washington, D.C.

Imagine the terror that grips countless pets and wildlife each Fourth of July as the sky explodes in a cacophony of bright colors and thunderous sounds. Studies show that well over 50% of all dogs, cats, and horses show signs of distress during fireworks displays. How can we still be okay with celebrating this way? 

With the exception of Massachusetts, every state across America permits consumer fireworks to some degree. These explosions are putting our beloved pets and wildlife through unnecessary distress. It's time for change.

Sign the petition to urge 49 states plus Washington, D.C., follow Massachusetts' lead and ban consumer firework sales to protect our animals and the environment!

The Fourth of July is one of the most traumatic times of the year for so many people and animals living in the United States. Every year, the explosive noise of fireworks causes panic and anxiety among animals, even leading to deaths and injuries to pets and wildlife. 

Not only do these dangerous, loud, and bright explosives harm animals, they also trigger PTSD episodes, harm people with sensory disorders, and create dangerously bad air quality for all of us. But it doesn't have to be this way. Even switching to professional, regulated displays can drastically reduce these risks and safeguard our communities from prolonged air pollution and potential wildfires.

It's time to curb the unsafe and unsupervised use of fireworks, reducing noise pollution and environmental damage. A legislative ban is crucial for protecting our communities and wildlife from the hazards associated with traditional fireworks displays.

Sign this petition to demand a ban on consumer fireworks in 49 states and Washington, D.C.!

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