Bring Rocko Home

Rocko was seized on the 7th July 2015. Rocko ran away whilst he was out on a walk with Tonie’s son and the police advised he has been seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Rocko was out for a walk with Tonie’s son and ran away whilst off lead and the police advised that he attacked another dog. No other information has been given.

Rocko is a much loved family pet and is a big softy. Please support Tonie and her family while they await news of Rocko. Tonie has already been in touch with DDA Watch and is awaiting an update.

Rocko was seized on the 7th July 2015. Rocko ran away whilst he was out on a walk with Tonie’s son and the police advised he has been seized under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Rocko was out for a walk with Tonie’s son and ran away whilst off lead and the police advised that he attacked another dog. No other information has been given.

Rocko is a much loved family pet and is a big softy. Please support Tonie and her family while they await news of Rocko. Tonie has already been in touch with DDA Watch and is awaiting an update.

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