Stop Torture of Creatures in Hong Kong's Wet Markets

Hong Kong's wet markets are culturally important places. They also provide excellent fresh food alternatives to supermarket foods and prices. However, they are also a place where poultry, fish and reptiles suffer excruciating torture. Poultry have their necks slit before being plunged - ALIVE - into boiling water so as to make plucking an easier option. They emerge - eyes white from the scalding but often still alive before the agony of being plucked. Might I suggest that ALL poultry be swiftly decapitated before being plunged into the boiling water? Turtles have their shells hacked off whilst still alive and it is not uncommon to see locals filming the ordeal on their mobile telephones. There is no difference between this and a mediaeval executioner eviscerating a living human being for the entertainment of the crowd. And finally, it is common to see half eels or part of a fish with the lung attached and still pumping ostensibly because of the Chinese obsession with buying "live fish". This is unacceptable and viciously cruel.
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