Demand these animals be released to a sanctuary

  • av: Allison Farr
  • mottagare: Massoumeh Ebtekar in Iran, The Mayor of Shiraz and Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Washington, DC-

The animals are suffering and dying in the most horrendous conditions imaginable.It can only be described as a Hell Hole. Street dogs are captured and kept in barren rusty cages given no food or water, they are sick and diseased. They are fed alive, fully conscious, to the lions. You can see the dog bones in the photo above. They also feed live donkeys to the lions( in one of the videos below). The lions, bears and other animals are being tortured as well, beaten, set on fire; they are deprived of everything and sick and dying at Ghahramani circus' in Qeshm Island-Iran

Here is evidence:

Pictured Father ► "Sirus Ghahramani"Is the owner of the'Ghahramani circus'in Queshm Island and the Zoo in Shiraz
✦✦With his Son ► "Mohamad Ali Ghahremani"
They are the owners ( sadists) who commit all these heinous and horrific crimes.they constantly deliver animals from 'Ghahramani circus'in Qeshm to the Shiraz zoo and in the other way around/round..

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