Stop government from taking the cold weather payments from pensioners.

    I am one of countless pensioners in the United Kingdom who directly benefit from the Cold Weather Payment. My wife and I, like many others, rely on the Cold Weather Payment to sustain our heating during the coldest periods. However, the government's proposal to cut this essential support is threatening our survival during the harshest weeks of winter. The Cold Weather Payment was designed to provide additional support to some of the most vulnerable subject to temperature drops, particularly important for pensioners who spend more time at home. The proposed cuts jeopardise the health and well-being of millions who depend on this crucial aid. According to Age UK, there were an estimated 1.7 million pensioners living in poverty in the UK in 2018. This move could directly increase such numbers. We request the government to abandon its plans to cut the Cold Weather Payment for pensioners, and to ensure the well-being of those who contributed significantly to society throughout their lives. Sign this petition to protect the Cold Weather Payment for pensioners.
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