Tell Florida not to expand the “Don’t Say Gay” law!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Florida Board of Education

In an unsurprising move, the DeSantis administration has moved to expand their troubling "Don't Say Gay" law in a way that would completely ban classroom instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity all the way through high school. The worst part? It wouldn't even require legislative approval.

The expansion of the law is being voted on in April by the state's Board of Education, which are led by DeSantis appointees — so we need all hands on deck to tell Florida that this expansion is not in the best interest of Florida students. 

Teenagers need comprehensive education before they leave the school system, not to have their knowledge dictated by reactionary bigots trying to get elected.

Sign your name to tell Florida NOT to expand the "Don't Say Gay" law!

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