In 2016 the five year mandatory wolf management monitoring report to the USFWS will expire which means it will be totally up to the states of IDAHO and MONTANA how many wolves they deem necessary to reside in their states.
As much as these two states hatred they have shown for the wolves I know that they will not be satisfied until the last wolf is dead.
With an extension of five years to the de-listing rules it will require these states to report to the USFWS every year about how many wolves are still alive.
As it stands , these states have to ensure there are at least 150 wolves and 11 breeding pairs alive at the end of each year or they could be placed back on the federal protection list. Please don't let the mandatory reporting expire next year , extend the time period another Five years.
Idaho and Montana have a total disregard to the de-listing rules already, just think what would happen to the wolves if they have no one to answer to. A total Blood lust filled killing frenzy until the last wolf is DEAD in each state. Already with their no-quota statewide policy along with their " killing contest " they are displaying a total diregard for the wolves right to live . Wolves are benificial to an ecosystem , mankind is the danger that will and has caused irreversible damge to an ecosystem.
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