Google: Don't Be Evil - Stop Funding Climate Change Deniers

  • av: Emma Howard
  • mottagare: Google's Government Affairs Team

If Google’s corporate motto is ‘don’t be evil’ why are they funnelling their funds to the American Legislative Exchange Council?

ALEC not only denies that retreating glaciers and rising sea levels bear any relation to global warming, they go so far to argue that “substantial global warming is likely to be of benefit to the United States”.

Moreover, ALEC counts among its many corporate financers famed promoters of anti-regulatory state legislation, including the American Petroleum Institute, Exxon, Koch Industries and Altria, formerly Phillip Morris Tobacco.

Now Salon have revealed that Google have been less than transparent on their membership of ALEC.

This issue has consequences for us and Google are a giant global player. Tell them they must stop funding climate change deniers. 

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