• av: Ayo Ada Ogolo
  • mottagare: Mr N Day(who works for MCR City Council) & Manchester City Solicitors

5th April 2017

I have had a plot (Community Garden) for 11 years, on a 3/4 stretch of land. This evening I noticed that the locks had been changed on the gates.

Manchester City Council had taken possession by a Mr N Day and Manchester City Solicitors respectively.

Within 3 years the new tenant neighbour took a full plot. Also being made a treasurer and a joint secretary with another male on the end of my plot.

I had a serious accident in 2016, causing mobility issues, explaining this to the previous secretary. Two items on my allotment had gone on my return. Contact was made with police and the then secretary.

Earlier this year, a hand delivered letter asked me to move items from my allotment, these letters were hand delivered by the treasurer/joint secretary.
They did not ring my bell, or knock on my door but pushed a letter through my letter box.

My privacy was compromised. I emailed to tell them not to do this again, they ignored this and delivered a termination notification of 28 days.

The council offered a mediation service, I now know was a delay tactic.

A relative sent an email 8 months prior to the notification about discriminatory behaviours on this allotment.

The contact at MCC claimed that they had not received a complaint before November 2016.

I had also made contact with the National Allotment Association in August, who referred me to the Regional Allotment Society North-West. I was advised to contact the police/local M.P.

The police played 'ping pong', and unfortunately my M.P.passed away, having no immediate recourse.

I was advised by a female police officer not to return to my plot, until this matter had been resolved.

I have not received accounts from this society in 11 years.The new men, and their partners have curried favour with the existing committee members.

I have called the police on twice, one man driving an inch up to me in his 4 by 4 beeping his horn loudly, a second male assaulting me, after I caught him and his wife taking apples off of my plot.

I have been threatened, sexually harassed, racist remarks have been made, victimised and bullied by some of the men and women on this plot. 

One woman confirming that they would do anything they wanted to me, and that they would box me in.

1. There needs to be a full inquiry regarding the delayed complaint first made, and to Manchester City Council.

2. A full apology made.

3. For me to return to my beautiful plot, with the original features of an established fruit tree and berry Orchard. A centre piece Apple tree, Strawberry patch, herb garden etc.

Hate and discriminatory practises have been committed, and would ask for your support in signing this petition.

Ayo Ada Ogolo

Yesterday over in Gorton, I was fortunate enough to meet with Jeremy Corbyn M.P. giving him a hand delivered letter re my allotment eviction. I would like to thank everyone who has so far signed the online petition. I would also like to thank those people who are assisting with letter writing, it is very warming to know that people who do not know you are willing to support. And in a concerted effort to get my allotment back. Much gratitude and Ashe to you and yours A
Uppdatera #57 år sedan
I'd like to thank the 100 people who so far have signed my petition, it feels great to know that people are doing this and on my behalf.💝💝💝💐💐💐🐝🐝🌽🌽🍠🍠
Uppdatera #47 år sedan
1.TELL MAMA have written directly to Manchester City Council
2. Mike Kane MP has written to MCR City Council
3. Ligali organisation have asked me to write an article...published May 25th 2017
4. I await information from the Local Government Ombudsman about MCR's City Council's conduct toward me.
Uppdatera #37 år sedan
Sent emails to North-West radio stations
Sent emails to North-West news papers
Friends and family members circulating the petition in the local and wider community
Campaigning with particular organisations on and off line
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
Put a hand delivered letter in the hands of Jeremy Corbyn M.P. On the 11th April
Going out, and into the local community to petition over the next week
Keeping an eye on my allotment, and from Monday 10th April nothing has been moved off my plot
Photographic evidence is being collated
Printing off copies to give to people to sign this online petition
Generous people are writing to Manchester City Council on my behalf

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
I have informed the following organisations;
1. Tell MAMA
2. Equality Advisory Service
3. Victim support
4. M.P. Mike Kane
5. Mayor Burnham

I will be contacting the following officials this morning to inform them what has gone on:
1. Jeremy Corbyn labour M.P.
2. M.P. Afzal Khan
3. M.P. Powell
4. Liberty
5. Baroness Lawrence

I will be petitioning both online and off line to my global community
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