19 Court Case Dogs still in shelter for a year awaiting the outcome owner's hoarding case!

Please sign to urge the Riverside, CA court to resolve the Traci Murray hoarding case!  19 dogs are still lingering in th Ramona Humane Society animal shelter in San Jacinto, CA since June 2011!  This case has been postponed 12 times.  Here is the link to the story KABC7 Los Angeles TV station did on this just a few weeks ago:  http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/inland_empire&id=8638160.  Still nothing has been done and the case has been postponed 2 more times since this story aired.  It is becoming a cruelty in itself for these 19 poor dogs to live in a shelter for so long.  Please ask the Riverside, CA court to do it's job so these dogs can be adopted and go to loving homes!

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