Stop the jailing of innocent gay men, lesbian women & their straight supporters in Nigeria

  • av: Jason Feather
  • mottagare: David Cameron & the UK coalition government

We call on the UK coalition government to condemn and actively oppose the insidious Nigerian ‘Jail the gay’s bill’ which came into effect on the 30/05/2013


David Cameron said back in 2010:


“If you are fleeing persecution and that fear is well-founded, then you should be able to stay [in UK]….As I understand it, the 1951 Convention [on the rights of refugees] doesn't mention sexuality, but because it mentions membership of a social group, that phrase is being used by the courts, rightly, to say that if someone has a realistic fear of persecution they should be allowed to stay….It is wrong that refugees were often told [by UK courts] to hide their sexuality from police who would imprison torture or kill them for it…If you have a legitimate fear of persecution, then it seems to me that it is a perfectly legitimate reason to stay”


We therefore also call on the Coalition to offer safe haven for the gay and lesbian Nigerian asylum seekers who wish to escape this oppressive regime and avoid being imprisoned.


Nigerian prisons are notoriously bad and gay people will not fare well under these conditions:


We finally ask that David Cameron and the coalition work with the EU to impose or reinstate sanctions against Nigeria and that they immediately suspend the £305 million that the UK gives in aid to Nigeria in the 2013/14 period (from 2010 to 2015 the UK will have given over 1 billion in aid to Nigeria


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” - Edmund Burke


Please sign and help end this oppression


“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?” ― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas


One signature may not seem like much but together they create a powerful force.


Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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