Close Henlow Greyhound Stadium

According to figures from CAGED, so far this year (1st January 2018 - 2nd August 2018) there have been 1,421 collisions, 50 dogs fell, 7 dogs finished lame, 13 dogs hit the rails and 16 dogs were unable to finish.

In 2017 a Henlow greyhound sales rep was found guilty of having a greyhound which proved positive for the drugs Ampyrone and 4-Methylaminoantipyrine.

Greyhound racing is nothing more than a sordid industry that relies on gambling to make its money. Not only is the greyhound racing industry known for its callous cruelty and disregard for the dogs it uses and abuses, gambling establishments negatively affect the community as a whole. 

We are calling on Central Bedfordshire Council to close this establishment.


Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Thank you for signing! If you live in the UK, please also sign the Government petition to Ban Greyhound Racing in the UK. If we get 100,000 signatures by 28th February, this will be considered for debate in Parliament!
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