CCTV cameras should be in all NZ abattoirs or dairy operations

  • av: Jo Mcgregor
  • mottagare: Hon. David Carter - Minister of Primary Industries

It seems that many crimes against animals occur during the last stages of an animals'  life. Animals destined for the table are sometimes not given the respect and care they deserve. Undercover cameras often show us just what goes on behind the closed doors of these abattoirs - if CCTV cameras were installed, perhaps the employees of these abattoirs may just behave more appropriately, giving these sentient animals a less violent exit from our world.
Our beautiful dairy cows can also receive a hard time as they do their robotic daily chore of delivering us milk. Again, If staff knew that their behaviour was being monitored, kindness may prevail towards these girls. CCTV cameras could work favourably for the employer - it could also put an end to any disputes between emplyees over negligence, or time management etc.

Dear Hon. David Carter
Frequently we hear through the media about blantent cruelty to animals during their final hours at an abattoir. If CCTV cameras were installed in these workplaces - employees should give these sentient animals the care and respect they deserve.

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