Stop the testing of legal highs on animals in New Zealand!

  • av: Rebekah Laird
  • mottagare: Peter Dunne and John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand

New Zealand has recently decided to ban legal highs being sold in New Zealand until they can be proven as 'safe'. As mentioned, the testing would only take about 18 months - therefore there are no long term side effects known so how can they deem these psychoactive substances as safe for humans? 

To pass the law to be allowed to be sold these harmful chemicals will be tested on the innocent animals that spend their whole lives in a small cage being tested and harmed for human benefit - but how can an extremely addictive substance that causes seizures, epilepsy, coughing up blood, kidney failure, unconsciousness and strokes be considered a benefit to society?

Why are the government allowing these products to be produced in the first place? Do they really have New Zealanders best interests at heart?

Animal testing has been proven to be unreliable - Thalidomide was tested on animals and was passed into the medical market - this drug caused approximately 10,000 children to be born with defects. Animals are not humans. The drugs do not have the same effects and there alternative methods available to test these drugs without harming and causing severe suffering for millions of animals.

Do not allow the government to test these unecessary products on animals. Sign the petition and be heard.

Save a life.

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
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