Ask USDA to Escalate Standards for Treatment of Chickens Labeled as Organic

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage the USDA to enforce better regulations on the care and treatment of chickens that are labeled as "organic" before placed on the dining table. Often times, a chicken will get that label due to what it is fed but on the other hand the animals lives in poor, horrific and near abusive conditions, which in turn downgrades the label as "organic."

The USDA regulates the foods we eat with their stamp of approval and the same goes for foods that are labeled as "organic." We as consumers do have concerns as to what we eat, where the food comes from, how healthy it is, and in the case of animal products, how the animals were treated during their lives. However, when labeled as organic, the USDA does not give consideration as to how the chickens are treated, live and are cared for when being raised as a "food source" for human consumption.

To be labeled organic, chickens must be fed 100 percent organic feed without hormones, manure or any type of artificial by-products. They cannot be fed anything else or even given antibiotics if they become ill. The problem with this is that organic chickens often have to suffer with pain and illness. You may be appalled to read this full article on how organic chickens live -

We are urging the USDA to take further steps that will not only ensure the animals eat organically but live so as well. It can be very disturbing to know that these poor creatures who must meet organic standards live sub-standard lives for human pleasure. You can help us through this petition to speak loudly to the USDA and encourage them to monitor all the poultry industry and ensure that organic chickens not only be fed organic foods but live humane, healthy organic lives.

USDA - We are asking you to ensure that all chickens raised throughout the entire poultry industry not only be fed organic food but also live in better, acceptable standards for good animal welfare. Please ensure that you strengthen the animal welfare aspects of your organic chicken regulations, both in what they eat, how they live and are treated. The welfare of these animals needs to be a major concern as well as what they are fed in order to be labeled organic. Please step up your regulations for the "organic" label to include the health and welfare of the animals in addition but not limited to what they are fed!

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