Make Shark Conservation the Important Issue at the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commissio

  • av: Asian Shark Conservation

We the under signed fully support the science-based policy recommendations of the Pew Environment Group as laid out below and petition the WCPFC:


to support a ban on the intentional setting of nets around whale sharks;


to prohibit the retention of oceanic whitetip sharks and to establish concrete, precautionary catch limits for North Pacific blue sharks;


to implement gear modifications such as the compulsory use of single monofilament nylon leaders and a prohibition on steel or wire leaders in WCPFC fisheries;


to prohibit the removal of shark fins at sea to improve enforcement of the ban on shark finning;


to improve port inspections, publicize ports of entry, and require vessels to provide advance information before calling into a port. Developed governments of the WPCFC should provide adequate assistance to developing States for this purpose.


to require unique vessel identifiers (UVI) for all vessels longer than 24 meters operating in the convention area. UVIs are an important tool for coordinating action against IUU fishing operators.

We the under signed fully support the science-based policy recommendations of the Pew Environment Group as laid out below and petition the WCPFC:

to support a ban on the intentional setting of nets around whale sharks;

to prohibit the retention of oceanic whitetip sharks and to establish concrete, precautionary catch limits for North Pacific blue sharks;

to implement gear modifications such as the compulsory use of single monofilament nylon leaders and a prohibition on steel or wire leaders in WCPFC fisheries;

to prohibit the removal of shark fins at sea to improve enforcement of the ban on shark finning;

to improve port inspections, publicize ports of entry, and require vessels to provide advance information before calling into a port. Developed governments of the WPCFC should provide adequate assistance to developing States for this purpose.

to require unique vessel identifiers (UVI) for all vessels longer than 24 meters operating in the convention area. UVIs are an important tool for coordinating action against IUU fishing operators.

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