Free Pussy Riot!

  • av: Stephen Morgan
  • mottagare: Prosecutor General, the Prosecutor of the Moscow's Central District Russian Government, Moscow City Government, the RussianOrthodox Church and President Putin

3 members of the Russian feminist, girl punk band, “Pussy Riot” are being held in detention until 2013 and may face 7 years in prison for performing a song called "Mother of God, Cast Putin Out!" in Christ the Savior Cathedral on Feb. 21. This is an attempt to frighten the youth of Russia into silence by making an example of the band. It is an attack on free music, free speech, free expression and democratic rights. Amnesty International are campaigning for their release. Please support Amnesty International and also sign the petition below:

We the undersigned call on the Prosecutor General, the Prosecutor of the Moscow's Central District and President Putin to immediately release and drop all charges against the members of the Russian girl Punk band “Pussy Riot” - Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22; Maria Alyokhina, 24; and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29.

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