In many cases, from puppy mills... where their mother is locked in a barren cell, continually impregnated, and deprived of company, affection, exercise, and proper veterinary care — until the last day of her life.

Adopt:: When you are thinking of welcoming a dog into your home, please always consider adopting an animal from your local shelter, or search for your perfect companion on Pet Rescue. You’ll save a life right there and then.

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Australia is failing to protect the animals we as a nation love most. In one in three Australian households the family is not complete without a beloved dog. But they may have received very little love before they joined our families.
A lack of mandatory animal welfare standards for dog breeders and failure to clamp down on unscrupulous breeders* make it possible for puppy mills and backyard breeders to continue their operations unhindered. Dogs in these facilities are often kept in small pens with no quality of life and a lack of veterinary care. They have no ability to exercise, socialize, play or interact with humans. In many cases puppies from such facilities have already developed long-term behavioral or health problems as a result of the poor conditions they are bred in before they find a home.
Mother dogs may suffer years in isolation, with their babies taken away from them when they are only a few weeks old. They are kept in a cycle of breeding until they can no longer produce enough puppies to be profitable. Only few are lucky enough to be offered to a good home, with breeders legally allowed to shoot their dogs.
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