Urgent Call for Help: Appeal to Demolish the Philippine Embassy's Requirement specifically," mandating the employer to appear during the Acknowledgement of Employment Contract " .

Dear Fellow OFWs in Cambodia,
We hope this message finds you well. In our collective effort to address the recent challenges faced by OFWs in Cambodia due to the new requirement from the Philippine Embassy specifically the " APPEARANCE OF EMPLOYER DURING THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT", an online petition has been created to advocate for change.
The attached letter of petition details our concerns and urges the authorities to reconsider the current authentication process that demands the physical appearance of employers. To ensure transparency and unity in our cause, we kindly request all signatories to not only sign the petition but also to comment with their names and telephone numbers.
By providing your name and contact information when signing and commenting on the petition, we aim to show unity and transparency in our collective effort. Each name and number add weight to our cause and helps us demonstrate the significant impact this requirement is having on us as OFWs in Cambodia.
Your active participation in signing and adding your name and contact information will strengthen our advocacy and amplify our voices. Together, we can make a difference and secure a better future for all OFWs in Cambodia.
Thank you for your support and commitment to this important cause.
Warm regards,

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