Don't test e cig products on animals plenty of humans are already willingly taking the risk

  • av: jade owen
  • mottagare: UK government and US government

humans are willing risking their health to smoke and have done for years.
don't force animals to test e cig products when humans are already willingly doing it.

please don't endanger unwilling animals lives for people to unnecessarily consume nicotine. it's not a necessity.


Dear sir/madam

We the undersigned are against the testing of e cigarettes and their products on animals.

We believe an exception should be made as humans are already using the products and would be more than willing to take the risks. Also this would provide more accurate and reliable data.

Please do not test ecigarette products on unwilling animals, its immoral, inhumane and completely unnecessary.

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
The other petition I created about testing e cigarettes on animals is nearly at 1000 signatures!
So thank you everyone who signed this petition and or that one.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
I have made another petition for this subject on
Please sign and share if you wish

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