Stop Vivisection at University of California

More than 100 violations of federal animal welfare laws and guidelines were reported by 2012 USDA inspections of animals in testing and research at the University of California San Francisco, (UCSF).

As exposed by, a monkey was found in extreme distress and pain following an invasive brain proceedure which left a piece of plastic in her skull for 2 years,- another monkey was intentionally deprived of food and locked in a restraint chair following multiple brain surgeries,-  and mice and rats had their skulls, backs and abdomens cut into without pain relief.

Tell the Univeristy of California vivisection is not the answer to our health needs; rather, it is often dangerous for human health, horrifically cruel, and a waste of taxpayers’ dollars. Stop this unproductive use of animals in testing and research at UC San Francisco.

University of California, San Francisco
Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann
513 Parnassus Ave.
San Francisco
CA 94143
Phone: 415-476-9000
Fax: 415-476-9634

More than 100 violations of federal animal welfare laws and guidelines
were reported by 2012 USDA inspections of animals in testing and
research at the University of California San Francisco, (UCSF).

As exposed by,
a monkey was found in extreme distress and pain following an invasive
brain proceedure which left a piece of plastic in her skull for 2
years,- another monkey was intentionally deprived of food and locked in a
restraint chair following multiple brain surgeries,-  and mice and rats
had their skulls, backs and abdomens cut into without pain relief.

the Univeristy of California vivisection is not the answer to our
health needs; rather, it is often dangerous for human health,
horrifically cruel, and a waste of taxpayers’ dollars. Stop this
unproductive use of animals in testing and research at UC San Francisco.

University of California, San Francisco
Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann
513 Parnassus Ave.
San Francisco
CA 94143
Phone: 415-476-9000
Fax: 415-476-9634

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